Universiteti Cornell Ranking
دقة التصنيف بشكل عام
Universiteti Cornell متوسط التصنيف بناءً على أفضل 8 منظمات تصنيف
Quantum Ranking
Rank by Quantum
المرتبة التاريخية
منذ 1980
العالم 2025
متوسط الترتيب في العالم
اقليمي 2025
متوسط الترتيب في المنطقة
محلي 2025
Avg Position Locally
نظرة عامة على تصنيف الجامعة: متوسط التصنيف المقدر لـ Universiteti Cornell
في جميع منظمات التصنيف لـ 2025 هو # 17
From its inception in 1980, Universiteti Cornell was discovered in UNIRANKS at 5th and has maintained Universiteti Cornell for 44 years, keeping a steady average of 11.4 across almost all ranking systems. Quantum has amassed 191 ranking records over 44 years, spanning 9 international systems. Universiteti Cornell ranked at 17th in world, 11th in country and 11th in region , with the most reasonable rank in N/A at N/A, and an unusual rank on UNIRANKS at 12th. We believe Universiteti Cornell is accurately ranked at 11.4, with more information on each ranking and system below.
نتيجة تصنيف الجامعة حسب منظمات التصنيف العالمية 2025
Universiteti Cornell الترتيب في كل انضمة التصنيف
نظام التصنيف | الترتيب منذ | متوسط الرتبة |
2025 الرتبة في العالم |
2025 الرتبة في المنطقة |
2025 الرتبة في الدولة |
4icu | 2024 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 |
Webometrices | 2004 | 5.9 | 7 | 6 | 6 |
UNIRANKS | 1980 | 9 | 11 | 9 | 9 |
Shanghai ARWU | 2003 | 12.45 | 12 | 10 | 10 |
QS | 2010 | 16.33 | 13 | 7 | 7 |
SCIMAGO | 2009 | 19.6 | 17 | 9 | 8 |
US News | 1984 | 14.05 | 19 | 16 | 15 |
Round Ranking | 2010 | 22.07 | 20 | 12 | 12 |
Times Higher Education | 2004 | 18.33 | 20 | 13 | 13 |
CWTS Leiden Ranking | 2024 | 23 | 23 | 13 | 13 |
CWUR | 2024 | 23 | 23 | 13 | 13 |
Universiteti Cornell دقة التقييم ونظرة تاريخية في كل نظام تقييم
نظام التصنيف | السجلات منذ | 2025 الرتبة | عدد سنوات | متوسط الرتبة | دقة الترتيب | قفزة غير عادية |
UNIRANKS | 1980 | 11 | 44 | 9 | درجة عالية من الدقة | 1983, 1993 |
Times Higher Education | 2004 | 20 | 21 | 18.33 | غير منطقى | لا يوجد |
Shanghai ARWU | 2003 | 12 | 22 | 12.45 | Fairly Accurate | لا يوجد |
SCIMAGO | 2009 | 17 | 15 | 19.6 | Not Accurate | لا يوجد |
US News | 1984 | 19 | 37 | 14.05 | غير منطقى | لا يوجد |
Round Ranking | 2010 | 20 | 15 | 22.07 | غير منطقى | لا يوجد |
Webometrices | 2004 | 7 | 21 | 5.9 | Fairly Accurate | لا يوجد |
QS | 2010 | 13 | 15 | 16.33 | Fairly Accurate | لا يوجد |
4icu | 2024 | 4 | 1 | 4 | Not Accurate | لا يوجد |
CWUR | 2024 | 23 | 1 | 23 | غير منطقى | لا يوجد |
CWTS Leiden Ranking | 2024 | 23 | 1 | 23 | غير منطقى | لا يوجد |
تصنيف الجامعة منذ 1980 - 2025
Universiteti Cornell الترتيب في all 1980 - 2025
تصنيف الجامعة منذ 1980 - 2025
الترتيب في اهم 8 مؤسسات تصنيف كما في
Universiteti Cornell الترتيب في اهم 8 مؤسسات تصنيف كما في
Universiteti Cornell الترتيب في UNIRANKS
UNIRANKS Rankings 1980: Universiteti Cornell initially ranked 5th in 1980 has consistently held an average position of 9 in UNIRANKS for the past 44 years. However, there has been a suspicious and abrupt spike from a widely recognized position of 9 to an unexpected 12th in UNIRANKS.
Universiteti Cornell الترتيب في Times Higher Education
Times Higher Education Rankings 2004: Universiteti Cornell, first achieving a 23rd ranking from Times Higher Education in 2004, has since maintained an average 18.33 ranking in Times Higher Education over the last 21 years.
Universiteti Cornell الترتيب في Shanghai ARWU
Shanghai ARWU Rankings 2003: From its initial 12th ranking by Shanghai ARWU in 2003, Universiteti Cornell has preserved a consistent average of 12.45 over 22 years.
Universiteti Cornell الترتيب في SCIMAGO
SCIMAGO Rankings 2009: Universiteti Cornell, which was ranked 17th by SCIMAGO in 2009, has held a steady average of 19.6 in SCIMAGO for 15 years.
Universiteti Cornell الترتيب في US News
US News Rankings 1984: Since being ranked 8th by US News in 1984, Universiteti Cornell has consistently secured an average 14.05 position in US News over 37 years.
Universiteti Cornell الترتيب في Round Ranking
Round Ranking Rankings 2010: Universiteti Cornell's initial 18th ranking by Round Ranking in 2010 has led to a long-standing average of 22.07 over 15 years in Round Ranking.
Universiteti Cornell الترتيب في Webometrices
Webometrices Rankings 2004: Beginning with a 7th ranking from Webometrices in 2004, Universiteti Cornell has maintained an average 5.9 in Webometrices for 21 years.
Universiteti Cornell الترتيب في QS
QS Rankings 2010: Since its 16th placement by QS in 2010, Universiteti Cornell has upheld a steady 16.33 average in QS across 15 years.
Universiteti Cornell الترتيب في 4icu
4icu Rankings 2024: Universiteti Cornell, which was ranked 4th by 4icu in 2024, has held a steady average of 4 in 4icu for 1 years.
Universiteti Cornell الترتيب في CWUR
CWUR Rankings 2024: Universiteti Cornell initially ranked 23rd in 2024 has consistently held an average position of 23 in CWUR for the past 1 years.
Universiteti Cornell الترتيب في CWTS Leiden Ranking
CWTS Leiden Ranking Rankings 2024: Universiteti Cornell initially ranked 23rd in 2024 has consistently held an average position of 23 in CWTS Leiden Ranking for the past 1 years.